128* Election Anxiety


The great big American Presidential election is upon us. Everyone is on edge, worried that their favored candidate won’t win. The polls show that support for both parties is pretty evenly split. How can that be?

I figured I’d be remiss if I didn’t cover such a big issue in my blog post… but honestly, it just feels too heavy. Personally, I’m not paying much attention to the polls or the news or the advertisements on tv. That is all too upsetting. I will be voting, of course, but let’s try not to get too worked up before it all gets found out.

At a favorite brewery, I enjoyed a bit of me-time while people watching at the bar. With the election just days away, I noticed how no one there was talking about politics. Here are some snippets of conversation from people probably just like me–worried about the election, but not giving in to their anxieties.

I really like cupcakes!

When I was a kid, I used to watch Lord of the Rings every day.

I found a worm in some chicken I bought from Whole Foods!

I went surfing and I was in the water a half hour before sunrise. So surreal.

I was hunover today–a weed hangover. So I ate a fat bowl of ramen earlier.


FPV8+56 Middletown, Rhode Island

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